A gentle reminder that though time passes and alters and gives and takes, Love remains:
How many times will I rise and fall,
stumble, win and lose,
embracing what awaits me
in this life I didn’t choose?
How many times do I start again?
As many as it takes.
How many times can I be made whole?
As many as I break.
How many times must I forge ahead?
Both tomorrow and today.
How many times do I turn around?
Each time I lose my way.
How many times will I miss the mark,
though lavished by Your grace?
How many times shall I bend my will?
Till I see You face to face.
My life and times are in Your hands.
Each moment, now and then,
is governed by Your purposes,
redeemed time and again.
So, have Your way for all my days.
My life is Yours alone.
Through grief and grace and pain and peace,
no greater Love I’ve known.
© 2024 Beverly Carroll