Caught up in the tyranny of the urgent, and vulnerable to the unceasing noise of daily life, we succumb, spending our days as if all that matters are our few, short years here on this pebble planet we call Earth.
But there is more, beloveds. More that awaits. More to be done. More to become.
To lift our gaze, even for a moment, from the intrusive, insistent immediate is to discover glimpses of eternity woven into the fabric of our lives.
Scripture proclaims that God has set eternity in our hearts. The sunsets that paint the evening skies, the winds that whisper through ancient trees, the stars that punctuate the night with their distant lightβall are reminders of a grander story, a narrative that stretches beyond the temporal confines of our 24/7, 365 days.
We are not merely bodies bound by time, but souls destined for eternity. Our journey here is nothing but a prelude, a preparation for the vast, unending hope that follows the final breath of all those who are in Christ.
The moments of joy, the trials of sorrow, the ache of love and lossβall are threads in the tapestry of an eternal design.
To live with an eternal perspective is to embrace a plan conceived long before we were, to walk with the assurance that our lives have meaning far beyond what we can see. It is to recognize that every act of kindness, every gesture of love, every pursuit of truth and beauty, echoes into eternity.
In the stillness, when we silence the clamor and cacophony that drown out the voice of God, we can hear the whisper of eternity beckoning us, imploring us to live not for the fleeting, but for the everlasting; not for the shadow, but for the substance.
In the end, dear ones, it is not the things we leave behind that define us, but the treasures we store up ahead. And in this light, our present struggles and triumphs find their true significance as stepping stones towards a destiny far more glorious than we can begin to fathom.
So, now, while there is still time, may we resolve to walk worthy and steward our ever-dwindling days well, as if we truly believe there is more ahead than only what we can see.
βThere are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.β
~ π.π. πππ°π’π¬
βLay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.β
~ πππππ‘ππ° π:ππ-ππ
βSet your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.β
~ ππ¨π₯π¨π¬π¬π’ππ§π¬ π:π