For the banished and the broken who found:
Harm where there should have been safety,
Gatekeeping where there should have been freedom,
Exclusion where there should have been acceptance,
Indifference where there should have been concern, and…
Banishment where there should have been belonging,
God sees you.
As the institution placed its protection above yours, He saw.
As they closed ranks, He saw.
As they focused on damage control, but not the damage they did, He saw.
As they crafted the narrative, played the victim, and pronounced you the villain, He saw.
As His spokesmen succumbed to the seduction of recognition, He saw.
As the spotlight blinded them to all but their reflection in it, He saw.
As their pride grew in direct proportion to the applause that came their way, He saw.
As they ascribed the work of their own schemes and machinations to Him, He saw.
He saw it all, and He says, “I am not them. I am not them. I am not them.”
What was done in His name was not from Him. Had it been, you would have mattered. You would have been loved, sought, protected, cared for, ministered to.
Beloved, don’t blame the only One who offers you hope and healing. Let what they did drive you to Him, not away from Him.
You’ve suffered long enough, been broken long enough. Hear Him as He says, “It was not Me, so bring it to Me.”
Give it to Him, and, if you take it back when pain flares and memories intrude, give it to Him again. It won’t be easy. It won’t be immediate. It won’t be without setbacks, but He, the witness to your wounding, offers healing in its place.
Our hope endures, indeed.
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