Can You See Her? | Beverly Carroll

Can You See Her?

Can You See Her?

In my experience of loving, serving, and working alongside women, I have discovered that most women do not simply jump into ministry.

Often they must be coaxed, prompted.

Uncertain of their value, they must be convinced.  Doubtful of their calling, they must be persuaded. Unsure of their ability, they must be affirmed.

I grew up with pronounced bucked teeth … and a crooked mouth.  Have you noticed that a person’s life can pivot on the smallest hinge of time?  That each minute whispers either promise or warning, and contains the potential for momentous change?

My name is Beverly, and I experienced just that early on in my childhood.  One day, at recess, someone decided to call me Beaverly.  In their estimation, it was really quite brilliant:  Just change a short vowel into a long one, and, voilà, Beverly becomes Beaverly.   It was a simple change, a playground diversion, a seemingly innocuous taunt, but one whose consequences reverberate even today.

I was—sometimes am—the woman described in the first paragraph.  I was—sometimes am—Much-Afraid, the main character in “Hinds’ Feet on High Places”.  She, interestingly enough, also had a crooked mouth.
Few of us may share an affliction that leaves our appearance marred, and our confidence diminished.

Many of us, however, share the common feeling of being Much-Afraid.

Afraid: That we’re not good enough, or smart enough, or valuable enough.

I long to share with women the truth God used to set me free.  Years ago, He gave me a glimpse of the woman He intends for me to be.  He gave me a glimpse of the woman He had in mind before He ever knit me together in my mother’s womb.

And, guess what? She looks nothing like me and everything like Him! How I look now matters far less than who I am, and Whose I am.  I am being transformed!  Into His image!

I began to exclaim to the Lord, “I Can See Her!  I Can See Her!  I can see the woman You mean for me to be.”

He faithfully responded by proclaiming,  

“And I Can Help You Be Her! I am the reason you can see her And I can help you be her.”

It is a promise of transformation.  It is a promise that emboldens crooked-mouthed, buck-toothed girls, who are now women.


Who have cast off the hurts of yesterday, for the promise of tomorrow.

Who have exchanged ridicule for redemption, fear for faith, and reticence for resolve.

Who will take God up on His offer of transformation.

Who may look the same, but will not be the same.

The Glimpse Will give way to Glory.

The Vision Will become Reality.

That, dear ones, is a guarantee, because Our Father Wills that it be so.

That is the truth that set me free, and the promise that spurred me on, to serve and to love.  That is the promise that rendered me usable in His hands.

Can you see her?

I can.

 Her mouth may be crooked, but her heart is fixed.

Her scars may be visible, but her hurts are healed.

Her memories may intrude, but her value is assured.

Embrace her, today.  Bask in the love of God, your

Vision-Giver, as He plots your paths, and orders your steps …

All the Way to Glory.

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© 2025 Beverly Carroll