Forevermore | Beverly Carroll


As He walked that lonely stretch of road,
do you think He thought of me?
That the death spurred by His boundless love,
would one day set me free?

As He endured the taunts and jeers,
the beatings and the pain,
did comfort rise as blood
poured down to remedy sin’s stain?

This spotless Lamb who gladly bore
the sins of all mankind,
endured the cross with joy
because He had us on His mind.

On the other hand, in daily life,
how often are our thoughts
centered on the sacrificial
ransom His blood bought?

Is the pain and suffering He endured
thought of only once a year?
Do Easter eggs and baskets
hide the absence of our tears?

Tears shed because the One
who lives within us suffered so.
Do we live our lives in such a way,
that the world would even know?

That once a King gave up a throne,
and loved enough to die.
For a sinful world with doubts and debtors,
love was His reply:

Love that prompted sacrifice
and welcomed pain and loss.
Love commended and displayed
upon a wooden cross.

Love that never changes
but will constantly remain.
“My love endures forever,”
His continual refrain.

Sovereign love bestowed by grace,
yet offered for our choice.
Partakers of His boundless love,
we worship and rejoice.

For the freely given,
everlasting nature of His love.
Extended and expressed in Christ,
conferred by God above.

The gap now bridged, the distance closed
His saving work is done.
Chains are loosed, sins wiped clean,
and victory is won.


Copyright © 2024 Beverly Carroll

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
~ 𝐇𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝟏𝟐:𝟐

“In reality, salvation was bought not by Jesus’ fist, but by His nail-pierced hands; not by muscle but by love; not by vengeance but by forgiveness; not by force but by sacrifice. Jesus Christ our Lord surrendered in order that He might win; He destroyed His enemies by dying for them and conquered death by allowing death to conquer Him.”
~ 𝐀.𝐖. 𝐓𝐨𝐳𝐞𝐫

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© 2025 Beverly Carroll